How to build a crypto mining rig in 2020 to earn Bitcoin and Ether

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A cryptocurrency mining rig consists of a computer that has many graphics cards but no monitor.

The size of the mining rig will be slightly larger than its frame due to protruding parts, adapters and a cooling system.

Another way is to find a mining pool, which is a popular way to mine, as it's becoming harder to do so individually due to the rising complexity of crypto mining.

The highest income in mining is currently achieved with Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and AMD Radeon VII cards, but it is more profitable to build a mining farm with AMD Radeon RX 580 and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super cards, as they will pay off much faster.

GPU cards, depending on the power and mining algorithm, consume between 360 watts and 1500 watts for a rig of six to seven cards.

How can a miner reduce the cost of electricity? The main consumers of electricity are the GPU cards, and with the right settings, electricity consumption during mining can be reduced significantly.

"Since mining is becoming more competitive, margins are shrinking and it's harder for home miners to compete. Miners need to get every drop of efficiency they can, and that means growing the operation and doing it somewhere where electricity is insanely cheap. Mining in the cloud seems like the only viable option for many."

Hosted mining brings in lower income compared with mining using one's own equipment.

If for some reason hosted mining is inconvenient, then setting up a personal rig is not too difficult.

Randy Ready, CEO and chief technology officer of Mining Rig Rentals - a hardware mining rental platform - believes that building your own system certainly is more interesting, adding: "I suggest going with a small rig and potentially going larger once you are familiar with mining and have a stable profit."
