1,807,463,200,418 USD
24h bind
15,174,915,693 USD
Cirkulerende forsyning
19,832,921 BTC
Max Supply
Bitcoin Oversigt
Bitcoin (valutaforkortelse: BTC eller XBT) er et online betalingssystem og en virtuel valuta. Selvom bitcoin som betalingsmiddel kun accepteres ganske få steder, er den populær som investeringsobjekt og er verdens mest kendte kryptovaluta. Det blev opfundet af den anonyme Satoshi Nakamoto, som offentliggjorde sin opfindelse i 2008 og efterfølgende udgav systemet som open source i 2009. Systemet er peer-to-peer, så brugere kan indgå i transaktioner med hinanden uden mellemled som pengeinstitutter eller centralbanker. Skabelsen af nye bitcoin og godkendelsen af transaktioner bliver i bitcoin-systemet håndteret kollektivt i et netværk af computere ved hjælp af kryptografiske algoritmer. Som følge heraf er bitcoin i modsætning til traditionelle valutaer hverken reguleret eller underlagt beskyttelsesregler i lovgivningen på dansk og europæisk plan. Økonomer og bankfolk har gennem tiden vurderet bitcoins fremtid til at være yderst tvivlsom og sammenlignet den med en lottokupon. Den danske nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde advarede i december 2017 mod at anvende bitcoin, som han hverken fandt velegnet som betalingsmiddel eller investering. Han kaldte den digitale valuta for en økonomisk boble, der var ude af kontrol, og sammenlignede den med den hollandske tulipanboble i 1600-tallet, en af verdenshistoriens kendteste finansielle bobler. Selve teknologien bag bitcoin, især den såkaldte blokkæde, anses dog for at være lovende i flere økonomiske og finansielle sammenhænge.
Konsensus metode
Bevis for arbejde
Status for projektet
Fuldt fungerende produkt
29 months
Emission Rate
Proportional til netværksaktivitet
Åben kilde
Bitcoin Tegnebøger
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One of the first fully-licensed bitcoin exchanges to offer advanced wallet functionality.

One of the original and most trusted web-based bitcoin wallets.

Allows users to buy BTC using a large number of transacting services, including Neteller and Skrill.

Bitcoin Core Client
The original, open-source BTC node software written in C++, contains the entire BTC blockchain.

A multi-functional, open-API wallet, stores a variety of financial instruments, for EU residents only.

An easy to use and popular Android multicurrency wallet with an emphasis on anonymity.
Bitcoin Udveksling
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Bitcoin Nyheder
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Bitcoin's price is "very attractive" because of this one simple indicator
Following an extended bout of sideways trading, Bitcoin and the aggregated cryptocurrency market has been able to post some decent upwards momentum, with BTC climbing above its previous key resistance level at $9,000.
Amid Blockchain Hype, Is There Still a Place for Litecoin?
Once heralded as the "Silver to bitcoin's gold", the developers behind the long-running digital currency litecoin are seeking to reestablish the project's prior position as the world's second most popular cryptocurrency.
A Framework for Valuing Crypto Tokens
The value of these crypto tokens came, not so much for their use in the exchange of goods and services, but rather the use of the underlying service that required these tokens to operate.
Bitcoin Up $2k on Day as Market Nears $400 Billion
The price of bitcoin is surging on the back of a strong night-time trading session in which the cryptocurrency rose 10 percent to top $14,000 for the first time.
This Tiny Crypto Startup Has Lessons for Libra's 'Unbanked' Dreams
If Facebook's Libra project truly aims to serve the globe's 1.7 billion unbanked, the Hong Kong-based Bitspark might offer some insights.
Analyst: Bitcoin is printing the same pattern that marked December's $6,400 bottom
Over the past two weeks, global markets have been in chaos; along with Bitcoin plunging below $9,000 to a low of $8,400, equities, namely U.S. stocks, have fallen off a cliff.
New York Power Plant Mines $50,000 of Bitcoin a Day
A New York power plant turns to Bitcoin mining in a successful bid to increase profitability.
Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020
Bitcoin will reach $100,000 and Jamie Dimon will be "Begging" the United States Federal Reserve for money to buy some.
Riot Reports 147% Monthly Growth In Average Daily Run Rate of BTC Mined
Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency mining firm Riot Blockchain has demonstrated a remarkable monthly growth of average daily run rate of Bitcoins mined, in February.
Legendary Soccer Player Turned BTC Pyramid Detained With Fake Passport
Legendary soccer player Ronaldinho Gaúcho was 'arrested' trying to enter Paraguay with a fake passport.